Island Scripts by Eric Abalajon
Terror is A Man, 1959
I’m afraid of this house, this island.
I mean here, on this island.
I’d like to drink to destiny or
the fates, or whatever it was
that put me ashore here on your island.
I’d almost forgotten about the
animal, this island.
At first, I had the idea that you
were a missionary, but the boy
was telling me you’ve, well
there’s nobody else here on the island.
Nothing, they were afraid,
so they decided to move to
some other island.
I just wouldn’t expect to find
anything like a panther here,
not on an island
the size of this one.
Sometimes I think I’ll die on this island.
I came to this island
because it afforded me privacy.
Fine, been exploring your island.
I was planning to marry a
wealthy doctor, live on an island
in the South Seas.
It’s my own fault for coming
down to this stinkin’ island.
You counting on getting the
next boat off this island.
You’ve been exploring the island?
Brides of Blood, 1969
What for you want to bury
yourself in that island?
Nobody visits Blood Island,
except this ship.
Besides myself, she’s the
only one that speaks English
on this island.
Welcome to Blood Island.
I didn’t really expect to
get lost on the island,
but ground rules are
ground rules.
This island
was on the fringe of the atomic
radiation area during the bomb
tests in the late ’40s.
That’s why I didn’t expect to
find any effect of the bomb tests
on the flora and fauna of the island.
Well couldn’t it have migrated
from Bikini or one of the other islands
to the test area?
Have you found high
radioactivity in any other
creature on the island?
The trouble is, if any other
living thing on the island
has been affected by atomic
radiation, only the crab would
show evidence of strontium-90,
not any other creature.
It seems that some living
organisms on this island,
are undergoing drastic mutation.
Sometimes Dr. Henderson,
the nighttime on this island
is different to the eyes.
It’s over 300 miles of rough and
open sea to the nearest large island.
I can’t even begin to form a
theory until I have a pattern, for
one thing, why haven’t the people
on this island
been affected by mutation?
That’s easy, they weren’t on this island
when the bombs were exploded
on Bikini.
You mean they were evacuated
and then returned when the island
was declared safe?
No, they’d never set foot on the island
before the test.
My mother’s forebearers were the
first Europeans to come to this island,
first to settle here.
A cruise among the islands.
Mad Doctor of Blood Island, 1968
You’ve come here to get
her off the island,
Because the island
‘s a pest hole, a jinx.
People from the other islands
say there’s a curse on it.
Yeah, your old hometown, Blood Island.
Is Willard still on the island?
A man determined to take you
away from this wretched island
for good.
I’ll find him, this is a small island.
The islanders
are having a ceremony to drive
away the evil spirits, it’s not very
far from here.
Now I can’t understand why you
choose to remain on this island,
On this island
we struggle desperately and
have found our own separate
ways to nothing.
We must have a talk about your
father’s last days here on the island,
On this island
I found a rare plant.