Issue 3 contributors

Eric Abalajon

Island Scripts

Eric Abalajons works have appeared in Plumwood Mountain Journal, Tripwire: a journal of poetics, Modern Poetry in Translation, Denver Quarterly, and Mānoa: A Pacific Journal of International Writing. His debut poetry collection is forthcoming from FlowerSong Press. He lives near Iloilo City.
Jasper Glen

Party Island

Jasper Glen is poet, collage artist, and UVic alum from Vancouver. His work appears or is forthcoming in The Brooklyn Review, Posit, A Gathering of the Tribes, BlazeVOX, Word For/ Word,, Acta Victoriana, and elsewhere. Poems have been nominated for Best New Poets and the Pushcart Prize. see

Sholanke Boluwatife Emmanuel

When I Was a Child

Sholanke Boluwatife Emmanuel is a Nigerian visual artist. With a passion for storytelling through art, Boluwatife explores various media, including oil on canvas, watercolour on paper, and pastel, to create captivating works that reflect everyday life, culture, and identity.

Miriam Richer


Miriam Richer is a graduate student at the University of New Brunswick. Her writing has been featured in carte blanche, Plenitude, and elsewhere. She was a 2022 finalist for the Penguin Random House Canada Student Award for Fiction. She is a member of The Fiddlehead’s editorial board and a co-host of Craftwork: a podcast by writers for writers. Website:

Malina Douglas

Terracotta/Ricefields, After the Umbrella

Malina Douglas is inspired by the encounters that shape us. In 2023 she was awarded first place in the Oxford Flash Fiction Prize and made the top three of the Leicester Writes Prize. She was a finalist in the Four Palaces Fiction Anthology Contest and published in their anthology, Desire to Escape. Publications include the National Flash Fiction Day Anthology, Typehouse, Wyldblood, Ginosko Literary, Samjoko Magazine, The Antipodean, Ellipsis Zine, Consequence Forum, and Because That’s Where Your Heart Is from Sans Press. Based in Tbilisi, Sakhartvelo, she is an alumna of Smokelong Summer and can be found on TwitterX, BlueSky and Substack @iridescentwords.

Abdulbasit Oluwanishola

Twelve (١٢) definitions of home in the mouth of a refugee  

Abdulbasit Oluwanishola, SWAN V, is a creative writer from Ilorin. He has works published/forthcoming in A Long House, Ake Review, BAM Quarterly, Full House Lit, Haven Spec, Poetry Column, Poetry Journal, Tahoma Lit Review, and elsewhere. He studied Agriculture at UDUS and tweets @abdulbasitoluwa. You can also find him on Bluesky

Janice Colman

The Contest, Saddle Bags

Janice Colman is an emerging poet with poems and memoir excerpts published in Freefall Magazine, filling Station, ARC Magazine, the temz Review, and long con Magazine, among others. Nominated for a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net, her work has been supported by Toronto Arts Council grants. Janice lives in Tkoronto, Ontario, and is the mother of two powerful daughters and a service-puppy-in-training named Emily.

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