

Miriam Richer

“Homesick” is a work of interative hypertext fiction. Let creator Miriam Richer take you into the story of Katie and Ali’s girlhood friendship…. and all the pains of that transition from child to teen.

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Content warning: discussions of suicide, self-harm, depression


Island Scripts

Eric Abalajon

I’m afraid of this house, this                       island.

I mean here, on this                                    island.

I’d like to drink to destiny or
the fates, or whatever it was
that put me ashore here on your                island.

I’d almost forgotten about the
animal, this                                                  island.

Party Island by Jasper Glen

“Party Island” by Jasper Glen

Twelve (١٢) definitions of home in the mouth of a refugee

Abdulbasit Oluwanishola

a journalist asks a man what a home means,

it only takes a minute before the cloud hovers in the man’s eyes.

home is my father’s forehead—a fruitful site for a bullet to rest, before my birth. ١


The Contest, Saddle Bags

Janice Colman

We buy books on Sunday mornings. The girls and I and Abie pile in our second-hand navy blue Benz and we’re off to Lichtman’s in Bayview Mall or downtown to the World’s Biggest Bookstore.

Abie beelines to the magazine section. He buys the Sunday New York Times for two dollars and fifty cents.

A portrait, vibrant in colour

“When I Was a Child” by Sholanke Boluwatife Emmanuel

From the artist: In ‘When I Was a Child,’ I aimed to distill the essence of childhood’s fleeting moments, preserving the warmth and security of youth in a delicate, dreamlike portrayal

Terracotta/Ricefields, After the Umbrella

Malina Douglas

Jakarta, a green and orange city, orange for the buses, hulking and rust-coloured, for the packaging and billboards catching your eyes, the colour of nasi goreng—spice-fried rice, the plate edged with krupuk, a pale-orange prawn cracker, the colour of noise—horns honking, roosters crowing, men calling out greetings, the bright orange sound of the words Salamat siang, good afternoon, the redder orange words Salamat soray,

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